The Next Generation Oat Drink - Barista Light by Oatly

Attention coffee enthusiasts! If you're a fan of Oatly’s super popular Barista Edition Oat Drink, get ready for a delightful surprise. At the upcoming Dublin Coffee Festival this March, Oatly will be introducing the Barista Light, a lighter version crafted specifically to accentuate the rich flavours of your favourite brews.

Much like the original Barista Edition, the Barista Light is designed to elevate your coffee experience to the next level. With a significantly lower oat flavour, it lets the true essence of your flat whites and lattes shine, giving due credit to the artistry of baristas, roasters, and coffee farmers.

This new test version, first debuted in January this year, has been shared with the coffee industry to gather valuable feedback and insight, which will be used to shape the next generation of oat drink, making it a collaborative creation with coffee enthusiasts.

During the Dublin Coffee Festival, Oatly plans to showcase this Barista Light at their booth, turning over the bar to some of Ireland's best roasters and cafes. It's an excellent opportunity to savour your favourite coffees with Barista Light as the oat drink of choice and share your feedback with the Oatly team. Don't miss the chance to give it a try – this might just become your next favourite oat drink!

But that's not all! On the evening of 1 March, after the first day of Dublin Coffee Festival, Oatly will co-host a fun after-party with La Marzocco, Covoya Specialty Coffee and Marco at Brother Hubbard (North). Expect a fantastic night with food, drinks, games, and a chance to mingle with the legends of the Irish coffee scene. The caffeinated fun doesn't end with the festival – follow the link below for more details on this exciting post-festival celebration!


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